Sunday, July 17, 2011


ok so my mom lately has been on my case a lot!!! n i no she's my mom so she has to be but she's always overreacting! my brother and sister don't like me because of things from the past ( like how i "stole all my sisters clothes" and am always a spoiled brat to my brother) so they always take her side and they all gang up on me.Im always telling my mom to stop yelling n overreacting but she never listens.i no a lot of it has to so with her past with my father n i think thats why both she and my sister don't seem to get along with me because i remind them of him but i have no control over that.My mom is always saying i don't appreciate her n to stop being so spoiled because she's a single parent and cant get me everything i want. i no this but i am 13 n i already have a job and buy my own clothes n anything else i want.the only thing she pays for is food n the roof over my head. She's always telling me to ask my father for stuff but i don't because he doesn't care! and she doesn't get that! n so when i try to tell her that she blows up .She's always getting mad over the stupidest things and i try to help the situation i try to stay away from her, but it doesn't help that i can hear her talking about me n the other room.I have tried asking her to stop doing all these things but she just doesn't care.Can anyone help me?

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