Saturday, July 23, 2011

My bf of a year n a half started a row 2nite. he...?

Smashd glasses, got me up the wall by the throat, slapd me in the face. He was tryin 2 make out I causd it yet I no I didn't, if anythin I was tryin 2 calm the situation. My niece came 2 visit which isn't often so we sat in my kitchen, we chatted n chatted n when shed go loo he'd come in2 me whisperin nasty things n callin her a retard. When she left I asked him what the he'll he was playin at? He flew across the kitchen at me. Its weird coz he can b such a nice man. I calld the cops n hung up tho wen he went 4me. I askd him 2 call his bro 2 pick him up n he did. Now im alone again. Im 32 n been with a man who was violent n another who I still suffer effects from 2day, was mentally/physically cruel. My q was just about bein alone n I no I sound sad! But im strong deep dwn, just would like ur opinion on bein single, its lonely. X

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