Friday, July 22, 2011

Does my pigeon have a crush on me?

I am 17 and rescue pigeons and doves and have been for 7 years so i know quitea bit about them. My youngest pigeon who i found sick as a fledgling under a bridge is now almost ready to be released, it has always acted hostile to me which is fine because i need it to be nice and wild at heart! But lately it seems to be confused, i had it flying around in its coupe one day and it looked scared so i went inside an it instantly flew to me and i couldnt get it away so i brought it inside where it was calm again but it started bobbing its head which is what my other pigeons who are mates do so i bobbed my fist in front of it. It walked to the end of tthe cage nearest to me and whenever i bobbed my fist it bobbed its head and then would fluffup and turn in circles. Kind of like a mating dance but without cooing. When i stuck my fingers in te cage it gently pecked it once. Really weird because this bird use to go nuts wing slapping me and pecking the crap out my hands. Its still hard to catch inside the chicken run when i let them fly around (i bring them in my room at night due to several raccoon attacks in the past) but its easier to catch than before. And today when i was feeding my pigeons in the cage next to it, he/she started "ooo-ing" (its the sound pigeons make to call a mate to the nest) and so i thought it was cute and ""oo-ed" back at it and he/she got all poofy and looked at me. And no im not trying to get her attached to me or something i just play around with pigeon sounds to see how they react, my favorite pigeon whos half blind loves it when i do certain sounds its really cute! But yeah the birdie in question seems to be wary/scared of me by instinct but also confused, itll start flying to land on me then turn around an land somewhere else n then repeat that over and over and it gravitates to where im at like right now its eating food under my foot when theirs seed all over the ground. I know a lot about pigeon behavior but this one just baffles me!

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